Pouring thro the pages made me to ponder what the social and political conditions were then, that allowed this ancestor of mine to have this record to be written, and that I am able to read it today.
Though it was during the Tang Dynasty where the the might and influence of the Chinese Empire spead far and wide, it was during the Song, I believe that literature and learning truly seeped into the social structure.
As I recall the history lesson that I learned in secondary school, printing was invented during the Song Dynasty. Just like this age with the invention of the Internet and the proliferation of blog journalism, the invention of movable type wood block print would have caused a sort of a social revolution in the spread of learning and literacy, and for that matter journalism.
Though it might not have been as global a scale then as the spread of Internet and blogging as it is now, printing however would have proliferated to the other parts of the empire along with the migration of the Song people to escape the invaders from the north. They would have brought along their learning and invention to the new land and ‘blog’ their family history.
Fast forward 800 years on, in the year 2807AD, thro some future search engine a kinkonkid found this page, lo and behold – he made connection with his roots and traced it back to 1,600years of family history.
He thus ponder, what was the social environment then ….SGX hitting new peak of above 3,300pts, the Flyer wheel is three-quarter done and making the last connection to make it full circle, the IR construction moving ahead full steam… the little red dot has survived eight centuries and four score…
1. Though there were constant wars with the Nurchen tribe - 女真族 - the ancestors of the Manchu of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), from the North in the border region, the Song Dynasty was a period of relative prosperity, social stability & cultural maturity as a whole for the society.
Though the Tang Dynasty (618-960AD) before the Song was famous for her poets, such as Li Bai (李白) and Dufu (杜甫) the number of recorded poets from the Song Dynasty far exceeded that of the Tang. There were more than 6,800 recoded poets with known and un-known names from the Song Dynasty, compared to about 2,000 odd from the Tang Dynasty.
2. The Song Dynasty 宋朝代 (960-1279AD) commenced with the reign of the first Song emperor, posthumously known as Song Taizu 宋太祖 in 960AD. The year where the emperor reign was accorded the name Jian Lung 建隆and thus in Chinese historical record the year 960AD is recorded as 建隆元年 Year 1 of Jian Lung .
With the invasion of the Nurchen and the fall of its capital Kaifeng, the Song court retreated to the south and the year 1126AD is designated as the start of the Southern Song Dynasty.
3. 新安古氏家谱序 – Xin An Gushi JiaPu Xu
古氏盖姬(ji)姓也诗云古公亶(dan)夫来朝走马率(lv)西水浒 (xu)至(zhi)于歧(qi)下昔大王居‘彬’迁居称古公其后以为姓大王也史叙之详矣(yi)然后世子孙固有究其傅
岐梁之间古氏之姓往往居多自历代载之史傅名誉(yu)显著尚有拓焉(yan)汉有古道子又有孝子古初蜀有广陵功曹古牧魏有尚书古弼(bi)北齐中散大夫古起唐有县令古之奇作县令箴(zhen)入于文选有飞独县令古云应自唐末由鼻祖二十五府君本河东人也任洪州通判七府君任虔 (qian)化县令生二十府君秘书郎集洪州书记生十九府君任揖 (yi)大祝生三府君任窦 (dou)州都监史生六子
六曰十七府君讳全赏居圳边奕世相传子孙历仕我宋勃兴削(xiao) 平僭(jian)乱混一区宇端拱间曾祖成之中程宿榜连名三十八宿之列授棉竹县令以词学独冠炎荒厥 (jue)后逍遥物外脱履尘寰何其异也 皇 佑中驰名场屋联荣仕籍独祖宗悦擢(zhuo)勋骑都尉及子凤仪升潮典郡荣耀闾禄及其亲福荫后裔流芳馀韵既炽且昌至毕(bi)暂榜 革 忝窃上帝获续祖风徒荣州县二十馀载仕徒艰险颇厌尘荣隐居於逸老堂偶因闲暇览旧祖图列为家谱贻传子孙使之知所自出益知艰难之业敦睦亲之义共激欢以绍箕裘咸遵式训庶有祖而有宗斯无忝於前人耳
亶父積德 古氏流芳 蛰蛰螽斯 既炽且昌
续厥云孙 列祖有光 辑斯谱牒 庆福绵长
大宋绍兴十四年甲子岁菊月吉日十一世知潮州府中宪大夫 革敬撰
- 2006。04。08 /上午7点55分 - 抄记 -
Translated as : Preface to the Genealogical Records of the Gu Clan, from the Hall of Xin An)
The Preface was recorded as the 14th year of Shaoxing 绍兴 十四年, which is the year 1144AD.
The article wa written in traditional Chinese, Wen-Yen-Wen(文言文), the writing style of the literati before the new language movement that swept thro China during the May 4th movement in 1919.
Whatever the article means, I could not read it well, and will not attempt to translate it. However with my shallow foundation in self-taught Chinese & with a Chinese-Chinese dictionary in hand, I ploughed thro the article word by word, and guess I could decipher about a third of what the content.
Anyone who knows Wen-yen and could help to translate the document would be much appreciated.
I typed it in Words and digitized it - however as I was using the Pinyin system from Microsoft, I could not find some of words, and have to leave it with the ‘sound’ equivalent.
- 革公派 - 古氏族谱 - 民国十八年修
-title translated as : Gu Clan Genealogical Records from the GeGong Branch – edited in 1929 (18th year of the Republic)
2. 风与云 - 中国诗文论集, [日] 小川环树著, 周先明译 - 北京中华书局, 2005
- title translated as ‘Wind and Cloud’ a collection of articles on Chinese Poems/Prose – originally written in Japanese by Ogawa Tamakiand translated by Zhou Xianming. Publisher Beijing Zhong Hua ShuJu
- Professor Ogawa Tamiki (1910-1993) of Kyoto University was an authority and an outstanding researcher of Chinese studies in Japan.
2. 宋诗鉴赏辞典 – 上海辞 书出版社, 2002
- title translated as ‘Dictionary for the Appreciation of Song Poem ‘ published by Shanghai Cishu Chubanshe.
3. The National Heritage Board has a website for recording one’s roots.
The Singapore Family Tree website is a service that you can use to safekeep your family memories and share it across generations. Start by building your family tree and then invite your family members through the system. You can upload and share photos, create your family webpage, and even print out your family tree.
4 . http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Song_Dynasty#Technology
Song Dynasty – Technology - Printing
‘Printing technology in the form of movable type was invented by Bi Sheng in the 11th century. The work of Bi Sheng was written of by Shen Kuo (mentioned above), in his Writings Beside the Meng Creek (夢溪筆談 Mengxi Bitan). Movable type, alongside woodblock printing, increased literacy with the mass production of printed materials. This meant that parents could encourage sons to learn to read and write and therefore be able to take the imperial examination and become part of the growing learned bureaucracy.’